631 posts Try deleting the existing ini files and then run Fallout using the Falloutexe at least one time This will regenerate the ini files Hopefully this will fix your problem Then you can launch Fallout via NMM if that's what you prefer Back to topI have solved the problem thanks to Gromulos on Discord! Unfortunately, no change I still apparently have no Fallout4 ini file and should run Fallout 4 to initiate it You could try running Fallout4Launcher as admin and see whether it creates an ini with different permissions that can be read by the manager *edit, see it has been solved!
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Nmm fallout 4 missing ini file
Nmm fallout 4 missing ini file-Only by entering the same configuration under My Games\Fallout 4\fallout4customini did Fallout 4 close Games videogame_asset My games When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu chevron_left And I Very Strongly advise you to read this guide, if you have no idea what it is INI files in Beth games This method works for all versions of the game If you have

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Falloutini is the configuration file in which the basic and default settings are deposited, the Gamebryo engine needs to run Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas properly on any personal computer It contains values about audio and graphical options, background processes, implementation of the Havok Physics engine, and many more The Falloutini, together with the BethINI (pronounced "Bethany") is an attempt to restore decency to the INI configuration files for games created by Bethesda, while optimizing your game settings for optimal graphical fidelity and performance It currently supports Oblivion, Skyrim, Skyrim Special Edition, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, and Fallout 4 It serves as a baseline INI file for the Fallout 4 Launcher when it creates your INI files You should also have a Fallout4_Defaultini (I might have the filename slightly wrong) in your game folder that is used by the Launcher as a baseline for the Fallout4ini file you are having trouble with Please ensure that file exists and is not blank
Click File>Save to save the file, and then close Notepad Doubleclick the Fallout4Customini file to open it in your default text editor Add the following lines to the end of the file Click File > Save to save the file, and then close Notepad Fallout 4 will now accept and use the mods you install This happens because of missing / corrupt files Often it's because of your Antivirus program so disable it Also verify the integrity of game cache files in Steam Restore the missing files and install the game Mouse acceleration issue It is not an unknown problem and lots of players have it these days not just in Fallout 4 Easy fix is Remember, there are 2 fallout 4 folders There's one in your My documents, for your saves and stuff, and in your program files, where you installed it The ini files look similar, so be careful not to get them confused
The ini editor is there If your ini files are missing from both C//Documents/My Games/FO4 and MO2 then I would recommend going to Nexus and getting BethINI BethINI at Fallout 4 Nexus Mods and community (nexusmodscom) This is a utility that can create and modify your ini files, so if lost or messed up, this will get them back in orderFallout4VRPrefsini has never existed Just make all your changes in the files that are there As mentioned the VRspecific file was deprecated in favor of just using one prefs file If you're using prebuilt prefs with the old file you can move the options from Fallout4VRCustomini to Fallout4Customini but you probably don't want to enough Ok so I'll admit it's been a loooong while since I've done a new install so I can't remember this ever happening but I just built a new pc and installed nexus to install some mods and when ever I start nexus I get this popup I thought ini files were generated?

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Guide scope This guide is intended to be the comprehensive reference to all settings found within the Fallout4Prefsini file for the Fallout 4 game All of the userconfigurable settings contained within Fallout4Prefsini will be listed and defined (or hopefully will be) Settings are presented by section in alphabetical order Evil_Geoff 5 years ago #3 You should have several Fallout related ini files, in several locations, typically found in C\Users\Username\Documents\My Games\Fallout4 C\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4 If you have other Fallout games you will have several Falloutini files in those directories, and if you've used Mod Fallout 4 PC Tweaks guide to improve PC performance and graphics by editing Fallout4Prefsini First, navigate to the Fallout4ini file located by

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Raw download clone embed report print INI file 752 KB Fallout4ini General sLanguage = en UGridsToLoad = 5 UExterior Cell Buffer = 36 Here are some planned features for updates to the Fallout 4 Ultimate Tweak Tool They are sort of in a order of priority Rekeybinding (such as rekeybinding the Throw Grenade action to a seperate key) All graphics options that are available in the Launcherexe for Fallout4 will be implemented in my app; Make sure that you have "bInvalidateOlderFiles=1" line in your falloutini Otherwise you wont have any textures I found a Fallout text file where it looked like it belonged but that did nothing "If you see something this big with eight legs coming your way let me know

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To solve the problem, I had to delete all of my ini files in my My Documents > My Games > Fallout 4 folder Something in the ini's didn't sit right with Wrye Bash for some reason Original problem is belowOptimization of a user's ini files for Posted Update I tried uninstalling AAF completely to no avail Camera settings will not change from default Its like the camera ini values became hardcoded IDK wtf to do anymore and any attempts to fix it will probably just break more things Full Fallout4ini posted in case it helps

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For Fallout 4 on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Missing ini file?"For Fallout 4 on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'Missing INI file' Fallout 4 Configuration A guest Nov 15th, 15 1,174 Never Not a member of Pastebin yet? C\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\Common\Fallout 4\Fallout 4\Fallout4Prefsini Everything you put in Fallout4Customini will overwrite everything that is in Fallout4ini List of variables that will not be overwritten by

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1 activates the reflections Fallout4Prefs ini Display fDirShadowDistance= fShadowDistance= This could work like in skyrim, higher values could increase the range, but decrease the quality near you Wouldn't change it yet iShadowMapResolution=4096 Again shadow resolution, change to 8192 Use this file as you wish in any mod with some credit, just drop me a pm about it I also want to thank everyone for the awesome support!Fallout4Customini is sometimes created at startup However, sometimes it is not When this happens, all you need to do is create it yourself create a new file and give it that name (remember the ini) put it in the same directory as the other INI files (Documents/my games/Fallout 4)

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hm try again with the latest version install all the exe and the ini files under fallout 4 exe location assuming you know but for the scripts let mo handle that make a archive call it data drag the scripts in that rebuild that file into a rar call it what ever f4se scripts or something then install that file under data with mo some times mo has a problem finding scripts if its installed Fallout4ini ,Fallout4customini,Fallout4prefsini missing Hi, I wanted to install few mods so I went to My Games folder to add the strings but when i opened the folder there was only,"Saves,Fallout4 ,Fallout4prefs and Fallout4customini is totally missing Now I know the probably the ones without ini are the same cause i add the strings A STEPstyle wiki for Fallout 4 Default Value The value for settings stored inside Fallout4exe, which is the value used when the setting is not indicated in the INI filesIn other words, if it isn't in the INI files, it defaults to whatever it is in the Fallout4exe executable

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5) Then download ini files and copy them as it is said in zip archive to Gamesfolder/Fallout 4/Fallout4 and to my Documents/My Games/Fallout4 6) in v124 there is attempt to use background loading, its better to check your pagesys file size The problem I entered some settings in the MO2maintained fallout4customini via tools > ini editor > fallou4customini tab It looks like MO2 does not expose this to FO4;Feel free to add images If you like the mod please endorse or vote it so other people can find it that will encourage me to make more My FO4 Mods Let me Jump Fallout 4 Tweaks Tutorial Fallout 4 Modding

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Thanks so much again! this video is not a troll and it helped me, so it will help you hope you find the video informative and show some support by subscribing and likeing the videSo I installed NMM on my new computer and I already edited the fallout4ini and fallout4customini files with the appropriate lines of text but when I click on Fallout 4 on NMM I get a message saying that it cant find my Fallout ini file Please give me some help because im new to the whole modding thing and am kind of lost here

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If you the thought of fiddling around with the Fallout 4ini files makes you hope a real atomic bomb will drop on your head, then a new mod that's released could beInstalled fallout 4 from steam to my secondary HDD i then installed NMM to the same hdd and ive tried adding the file manually to C\Users\Documents\My Games\Fallout4 like some older forums said to but its still not working does anyone have a fix?

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