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Glorious Model O Specifications

Glorious Model O Specifications

The Glorious Model O and the Model O – look similar Still, the Model O minus has a slightly smaller build factor Both have a beautiful honeycomb design that looks good and rigid This honeycomb structure helped to make the design lightweight and extremely durable for competitive gaming The Glorious Model O and O minus have an ascend cordGlorious model O vs Logitech g 3 review and comparison Hand Size 187 x 105 Grip style Fingertip/fingertip claw hybrid Mousepad Glorious XXL FPS Games Fortnite CSGO Quake champions Kovakks Cables The g3 stock rubber cable is alright in a bungee, but I can still feel it while gaming It's nothing special but gets the job done and isn't horrible

Dimensions of the glorious model o

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